You are currently viewing Tutorial 4: Build an AI customer support Chatbot with DeepSeek and PythonFlask

Tutorial 4: Build an AI customer support Chatbot with DeepSeek and PythonFlask

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In this tutorial, you’ll build a secure, production-grade AI chatbot backend with Flask and DeepSeek. You’ll implement the same enterprise security, observability, and testing strategies that power real-world applications handling 5,000+ daily requests with 99.99% uptime. By the end, you’ll have a fully functional chatbot backend ready for deployment with structured logging, automated testing, and API versioning.

What You’ll Build

  1. Versioned API endpoints with Swagger docs
  2. Production-grade security features
  3. Comprehensive test suite (95%+ coverage)
  4. Production-ready logging/monitoring


System architecture overview

Before we start coding, let’s take a look at the overall architecture of our AI-powered chatbot backend. This system follows an enterprise-grade design, ensuring scalability, security, and observability.

The diagram outlines how the user interacts with the API gateway, which then communicates with the chatbot service, DeepSeek LLM, security layers, logging, database, and deployment infrastructure.

Project Setup

 Install Dependencies

Use the following command to install dependencies:

pip install pytest pytest-mock flask python-dotenv deepseek flask-talisman flask-limiter flasgger structlog

This command installs multiple Python packages using pip.

  • flask: Provides the lightweight Flask web framework for building web applications.
  • python-dotenv: Loads environment variables from a .env file.
  • deepseek: Integrates DeepSeek, likely an AI-powered service or API.
  • flask-talisman: Enhances Flask security by enforcing HTTPS and setting security headers.
  • flask-limiter: Implements rate limiting to control API request rates.
  • flasgger: Enables API documentation and Swagger UI integration in Flask applications.
  • structlog: Provides structured logging for better log management and debugging.

This command ensures your environment has the necessary dependencies for developing a secure, well-documented, and AI-powered Flask application.

Create Configuration Files

Create a configuration file to store environment variables by running the following command:

touch .env.development

Define your environment variables in the .env.development file to configure the application settings:


Update instance/ with the following configuration settings to manage environment variables, security policies, rate limits, logging, and API defaults:

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv

# Load environment variables first
load_dotenv(f'.env.{os.getenv("FLASK_ENV", "production")}')

class Config:
    """Base configuration"""
    FLASK_ENV = os.getenv("FLASK_ENV", "production")
    # Security
        'content_security_policy': {
            'default-src': "'self'",
            'script-src': ["'self'", ""]
        'force_https': False  # Default to False, override in ProductionConfig
    # Rate limiting
    RATE_LIMITS = ["200/hour", "50/minute"]
    # Logging
    LOG_LEVEL = os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", "INFO")
    LOG_FILE = "logs/prod.log"
    # API
    API_VERSION = "/api/v1"
    DEFAULT_MODEL = "deepseek-chat"

class DevelopmentConfig(Config):
    """Development-specific configuration"""
    DEBUG = True
    LOG_FILE = "logs/dev.log"

class ProductionConfig(Config):
    """Production configuration"""
        'content_security_policy': {
            'default-src': "'self'",
            'script-src': ["'self'", ""]
        'force_https': True,
        'strict_transport_security': True

class TestingConfig(Config):
    RATE_LIMITS = ["5 per minute"]  # Exact test limit
        'force_https': False,
        'strict_transport_security': True,
        'content_security_policy': {'default-src': "'self'"}

This code defines a configuration system for a Flask application, handling environment-specific settings, security policies, rate limits, logging, and API defaults.

  1. Load Environment Variables
    The script imports os and load_dotenv from dotenv to manage environment variables dynamically. It loads the .env file based on the FLASK_ENV variable, defaulting to "production" if not set. This allows the application to use different configurations for development, production, and testing.
  2. Define the Base Configuration (Config Class)
    • The Config class acts as the foundation for all configurations.
    • It retrieves the DEEPSEEK_API_KEY and FLASK_ENV from the environment.
    • The TALISMAN_CONFIG dictionary enforces security settings, specifying a Content Security Policy (CSP) that limits sources for scripts and other content. By default, it does not enforce HTTPS.
    • The RATE_LIMITS setting controls request throttling, allowing a maximum of 200 requests per hour or 50 per minute.
    • Logging settings define the log level (default "INFO") and log file location (logs/prod.log).
    • The API version ("/api/v1") and default AI model ("deepseek-chat") are also configured.
  3. Define Environment-Specific Configurations
    • DevelopmentConfig: Enables debugging (DEBUG = True), sets "DEBUG" as the log level, and reloads templates automatically.
    • ProductionConfig:
      • Overrides TALISMAN_CONFIG to enforce HTTPS (force_https=True) and strict transport security.
      • This ensures that the application always runs securely in production.
    • TestingConfig:
      • Adjusts rate limits to 5 requests per minute, mimicking real-world API throttling.
      • Uses a minimal CSP and does not enforce HTTPS for testing flexibility.

Key Takeaways:

  • The code dynamically loads environment-specific settings.
  • It enforces security policies using Flask-Talisman.
  • It applies rate limiting to prevent API abuse.
  • It configures structured logging for better debugging and monitoring.

Build the backend

Create Flask Application

Update the app/ file to initialize your Flask application with the following code snippet.

from flask import Flask
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from instance.config import (  # Add this import
from .utils.logger import configure_logging
from .security import init_security
from .routes import init_routes
import os

def create_app():
    # Load environment variables first
    env = os.getenv("FLASK_ENV", "production").lower()
    # Create app instance
    app = Flask(__name__)
    # Load configuration based on environment
    if env == 'development':
    elif env == 'testing':
    # Initialize components
    return app

This code initializes a Flask application with environment-based configurations, security features, and logging.

  1. Loads Environment Variables – It detects the FLASK_ENV variable (defaulting to production) and loads the corresponding .env file.
  2. Creates the Flask App – It initializes a Flask application instance.
  3. Applies Configuration – It selects the appropriate configuration class (DevelopmentConfig, TestingConfig, or ProductionConfig).
  4. Initializes Components – It sets up logging, security measures, and API routes.

Finally, the create_app function returns the configured Flask application.

Chatbot service

Update app/services/ with the following code snippet to handle user queries using the DeepSeek API:

import uuid
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, Optional
import structlog
from deepseek import DeepSeekAPI  # Using the provided class
import os

logger = structlog.get_logger()

class ChatbotService:
    """Handles AI-powered customer support interactions"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.api_key = os.getenv("DEEPSEEK_API_KEY")
        if not self.api_key:
            logger.critical("config_error", message="Missing API key")
            raise ValueError("Deepseek API key not configured")
        self.client = DeepSeekAPI(api_key=self.api_key)"service_initialized")

    def generate_response(self, user_query: str, user_ip: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, any]:
        """Process customer queries with comprehensive tracking"""
        response_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        start_time = datetime.utcnow()
        metadata = {
            "response_id": response_id,
            "timestamp": start_time.isoformat(),
            "client_ip": user_ip,
            "assistant_version": "GreenGrocer AI 1.4.2",
            "processing_time": 0.0,
            "error_code": None,
            "support_contact": ""

            if not user_query.strip():
                metadata["error_code"] = "EMPTY_QUERY_001"
                    error="Please provide a valid question",
                    stack_trace=self._safe_get_stacktrace(Exception("Empty query")),
                    assistant_version="GreenGrocer AI 1.4.2",

                return {
                    "content": "Please provide a valid question",
                    "metadata": metadata

            # Handle known FAQs
            query = user_query.lower()
            if "delivery hours" in query:
                metadata["processing_time"] = self._calculate_processing_time(start_time)
                return {
                    "content": "Delivery available Mon-Sat 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM EST. "
                              "Same-day cutoff: 12:00 PM EST.",
                    "metadata": metadata

            if "order status" in query:
                metadata["processing_time"] = self._calculate_processing_time(start_time)
                return {
                    "content": "Your order is en route with estimated arrival by 3:00 PM EST. "
                              "Track your order at",
                    "metadata": metadata

            # AI-generated response
            messages = [
                    "role": "system",
                    "content": "You are a customer support agent for GreenGrocer Foods. "
                              "Respond professionally with EST timezone references. "
                              "Keep answers under 500 characters."
                    "role": "user",
                    "content": user_query

            ai_response = self.client.chat_completion(

            metadata["processing_time"] = self._calculate_processing_time(start_time)

            return {
                "content": ai_response,
                "metadata": metadata

        except Exception as e:
                "processing_time": self._calculate_processing_time(start_time),
                "error_code": self._get_error_code(e),
                "stack_trace": self._safe_get_stacktrace(e)

            return {
                "content": self._get_user_friendly_error(e),
                "metadata": metadata

    def _calculate_processing_time(self, start_time: datetime) -> float:
        return round((datetime.utcnow() - start_time).total_seconds(), 3)

    def _get_error_code(self, error: Exception) -> str:
        error_msg = str(error)
        if "HTTP Error 429" in error_msg:
            return "RATE_LIMIT_429"
        if "HTTP Error 5" in error_msg:
            return "SERVER_ERROR_500"
        return "CLIENT_ERROR_400"

    def _get_user_friendly_error(self, error: Exception) -> str:
        error_code = self._get_error_code(error)
        return {
            "RATE_LIMIT_429": "Our systems are busy. Please try again in a minute.",
            "SERVER_ERROR_500": "We're experiencing technical difficulties. Our team has been notified.",
            "CLIENT_ERROR_400": "Invalid request. Please check your input."
        }.get(error_code, "An unexpected error occurred. Please contact support.")

    def _safe_get_stacktrace(self, error: Exception) -> str:
            return str(error.__traceback__)
        except Exception:
            return "Stacktrace unavailable for security reasons"

This ChatbotService class provides AI-powered customer support by processing user queries, integrating structured logging, and handling errors gracefully. Here’s a breakdown of its functionality:

1. Initialization and Setup

  • The __init__ method loads the DeepSeek API key from environment variables.
  • If the API key is missing, it logs a critical error and raises a ValueError, preventing the chatbot from running without proper configuration.
  • Once initialized, the class creates a DeepSeekAPI client and logs the successful setup.

2. Processing User Queries

The generate_response method follows a structured approach:

  • It assigns a unique response ID and timestamps the request.
  • It stores metadata like client IP, processing time, and error codes for tracking and debugging.
  • If the query is empty, it logs an error and returns a warning message.

3. Handling Common FAQs

  • If the user asks about delivery hours, it provides a predefined response:
    “Delivery available Mon-Sat 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM EST. Same-day cutoff: 12:00 PM EST.”
  • If the user asks about order status, it returns a tracking link and an estimated delivery time.
  • These quick responses avoid unnecessary API calls, improving efficiency.

4. AI-Generated Responses

  • For general queries, the chatbot constructs a message history, including a system prompt that ensures responses remain professional, brief, and timezone-specific.
  • It sends the request to DeepSeek’s AI model with parameters like temperature=0.7 (to control randomness) and max_tokens=500 (to limit response length).
  • Once the AI generates a response, the chatbot logs the interaction, including the query, response length, and processing time.

5. Error Handling and Logging

  • The chatbot uses structured logging (structlog) to capture both successful responses and errors.
  • If an error occurs (e.g., API rate limits, server errors, or client mistakes), the bot:
    • Extracts an error code (RATE_LIMIT_429, SERVER_ERROR_500, etc.).
    • Logs debugging details, including a stack trace if available.
    • Returns a user-friendly error message, such as:
      “Our systems are busy. Please try again in a minute.”

6. Utility Methods for Reliability

Several helper methods ensure reliable execution:

  • _calculate_processing_time(): Measures response time for performance monitoring.
  • _get_error_code(): Categorizes errors into rate limits, server issues, or client errors.
  • _get_user_friendly_error(): Maps error codes to clear messages for the user.
  • _safe_get_stacktrace(): Prevents exposing sensitive error details by sanitizing stack traces.


The ChatbotService class combines AI, structured logging, and error handling to deliver fast, reliable customer support. It prioritizes FAQs, generates AI responses when needed, and logs every request for debugging and analytics.

Set up security

To enhance security, create a security folder inside the app directory and include an file. This setup applies secure HTTP headers and rate limiting to protect your Flask application.

Update app/security/ with the following code snippet:

from flask_talisman import Talisman
from flask_limiter import Limiter
from flask_limiter.util import get_remote_address  # Use built-in IP detection

def init_security(app):
    """Enterprise security configuration"""

    talisman_config = app.config.get('TALISMAN_CONFIG', {})

    # Initialize Talisman first
        force_https=app.config['TALISMAN_CONFIG'].get('force_https', False),
        strict_transport_security=app.config['TALISMAN_CONFIG'].get('strict_transport_security', True),

    # Initialize Limiter with proper configuration
    limiter = Limiter(
    # Apply rate limits to all routes by default

This code configures security features for a Flask application by enforcing secure HTTP headers and rate limiting.

How it works

  1. Imports Security Modules
    • It imports Talisman to enforce security headers.
    • It imports Limiter to control request rates and prevent abuse.
    • It uses get_remote_address to identify a client’s IP for rate limiting.
  2. Initializes Security in init_security(app)
    • It retrieves security settings from app.config['TALISMAN_CONFIG'].
  3. Applies Security Headers Using Flask-Talisman
    • It enforces HTTPS if enabled in the configuration.
    • It applies a Content Security Policy (CSP) to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS).
    • It denies embedding via iframes (frame_options='DENY').
  4. Implements Rate Limiting with Flask-Limiter
    • It restricts the number of requests per user using get_remote_address.
    • It enables rate limiting with app.config["RATE_LIMITS"].
    • It stores limits in memory and applies a moving window strategy.
  5. Activates Rate Limiting
    • It calls limiter.init_app(app) to enforce the limits globally.

This setup hardens security by blocking unauthorized access, reducing bot traffic, and protecting against DDoS attacks.

Configure structured logging

Update app/utils/ with the following code snippet to set up structured logging:

import structlog
import logging
import os

def configure_logging():
    """Configures structured logging with proper file handling"""
    # Create logs directory if not exists
    os.makedirs('logs', exist_ok=True)
    # Configure structlog
            file=open('logs/app.log', 'a')  # Direct file handle instead of FileHandler

This code sets up structured logging using structlog, ensuring logs are timestamped, formatted as JSON, and stored in a dedicated file.

  1. Create a Logs Directory
    The os.makedirs('logs', exist_ok=True) statement ensures that a logs folder exists. If the folder is missing, the function creates it.
  2. Configure Structlog
    The structlog.configure() function customizes how logs are processed and stored. It applies the following settings:
  • Add log level: structlog.processors.add_log_level ensures each log entry includes a severity level (e.g., INFO, ERROR).
  • Timestamp logs: structlog.processors.TimeStamper(fmt="iso") adds a timestamp in ISO format to every log entry.
  • Format logs as JSON: structlog.processors.JSONRenderer() converts logs into structured JSON format for better readability and parsing.
  • Specify Logging Behavior
    • Use a Bound Logger: wrapper_class=structlog.BoundLogger enables structured logging with additional context.
    • Store Logs in a File: The logger_factory=structlog.WriteLoggerFactory(...) writes logs directly to logs/app.log, appending new entries instead of overwriting them.


This setup ensures that logs are structured, time-stamped, and easily readable for debugging and monitoring.

API Routes

Update app/ with the following code to define API endpoints for handling customer support interactions:

from flask import jsonify, request, current_app
from .services.chatbot_service import ChatbotService
from flasgger import swag_from

def init_routes(app):
    chatbot = ChatbotService()
    @app.route(f'{app.config["API_VERSION"]}/chat', methods=['POST'])
        "tags": ["Customer Support"],
        "description": "AI-powered customer query resolution",
        "parameters": [{
            "name": "body",
            "in": "body",
            "required": True,
            "schema": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                    "query": {"type": "string"}
        "responses": {
            200: {
                "description": "AI-generated response",
                "schema": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {
                        "version": {"type": "string"},
                        "response": {"type": "string"},
                        "security": {
                            "type": "object",
                            "properties": {
                                "https_enforced": {"type": "boolean"},
                                "rate_limit": {"type": "string"},
                                "client_ip": {"type": "string"}

    def handle_chat():
        """Chat endpoint with proper rate limit tracking"""
        user_query = request.json.get('query', '').strip()
        user_ip = request.remote_addr
        if not user_query:
            return jsonify({
                "error": "Empty query received",
                "code": "INVALID_QUERY_400"
            }), 400
        # Get chatbot response
        chatbot_response = chatbot.generate_response(user_query, user_ip)
        # Get rate limit info from headers
        rate_limit_info = {
            "limit": request.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Limit"),
            "remaining": request.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Remaining"),
            "reset": request.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Reset")
        return jsonify({
            "version": current_app.config["API_VERSION"],
            "content": chatbot_response["content"],
            "metadata": chatbot_response["metadata"],
            "security": {
                "client_ip": user_ip,
                "https_enforced": current_app.config["TALISMAN_CONFIG"]["force_https"],
                "rate_limit": rate_limit_info
            "actions": [
                    "type": "schedule_delivery",
                    "title": "View Delivery Slots",
                    "url": f"{current_app.config['API_VERSION']}/delivery-slots"

This code defines a Flask route that handles chatbot interactions using an AI-powered service. It integrates API documentation, security measures, and rate limiting to ensure structured responses and controlled access.

  1. Import Dependencies
    The code imports jsonify, request, and current_app from Flask to handle API requests and responses. It also imports ChatbotService to process user queries and swag_from from Flasgger to generate API documentation.
  2. Initialize Routes
    The init_routes(app) function registers a chatbot service instance (chatbot = ChatbotService()) and sets up an API route for chat interactions.
  3. Define the Chat Route
    • The @app.route decorator maps the /chat endpoint under the API version specified in the app’s configuration.
    • The @swag_from decorator adds OpenAPI documentation, describing the endpoint, request parameters, and expected responses. It specifies that the request body must contain a query field (a user message) and defines the structure of the JSON response.
  4. Handle User Queries
    • The handle_chat() function extracts the user’s query from the request body and trims unnecessary spaces.
    • If the query is empty, the function returns an error response (400 Bad Request).
  5. Generate and Return AI Responses
    • The chatbot processes the user’s query using chatbot.generate_response(user_query, user_ip).
    • The function extracts rate limit details from request headers (X-RateLimit-*) to inform the user about their API usage limits.
    • The response includes metadata, security settings (such as client IP and HTTPS enforcement), and an interactive action (schedule_delivery), which provides a URL for scheduling deliveries.

This implementation ensures that API requests receive structured responses while enforcing security and rate limits.

Manage application with

Update with the following:

import os
from app import create_app

app = create_app()

if __name__ == '__main__':, port=5001)

This code initializes and runs a Flask application.

  1. It imports the os module, which provides functions for interacting with the operating system.
  2. It imports the create_app function from the app module. This function is responsible for creating and configuring the Flask application.
  3. It calls create_app() and assigns the returned Flask application instance to the app variable.
  4. If the script runs directly (not imported as a module), it starts the Flask application by calling
    • It enables debug mode (debug=True), which allows for live reloading and better error messages during development.
    • It sets the application to run on port 5001 instead of the default 5000.

This setup ensures that the Flask app starts correctly when you execute

Run Development Server

Use the following commands to configure Flask and launch the server on port 5001.

export FLASK_ENV=development
python -m flask run --port=5001

Test Endpoints

Test the API endpoints by sending a POST request to the chatbot service. Use the following curl command to check how the server responds to a customer query.

curl -X POST http://localhost:5001/api/v1/chat \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"query": "When do you deliver?"}'

Expected API response

  "actions": [
      "title": "View Delivery Slots",
      "type": "schedule_delivery",
      "url": "/api/v1/delivery-slots"
  "content": "Thank you for your question! GreenGrocer Foods delivers Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 6 PM EST. Orders placed by 2 PM EST typically arrive the next business day. Weekend deliveries are not currently available. Let me know if you'd like help placing an order!",
  "metadata": {
    "assistant_version": "GreenGrocer AI 1.4.2",
    "client_ip": "",
    "error_code": null,
    "processing_time": 6.8,
    "response_id": "c0745b44-1dc9-4436-be39-447bfe364c23",
    "support_contact": "",
    "timestamp": "2025-03-26T21:56:39.208359"
  "security": {
    "client_ip": "",
    "https_enforced": false,
    "rate_limit": {
      "limit": null,
      "remaining": null,
      "reset": null
  "version": "/api/v1"

This JSON response provides details about a chatbot’s reply to a customer query regarding delivery schedules. The content field contains the chatbot’s response, which informs the user that GreenGrocer Foods delivers Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 6 PM EST. It also mentions that orders placed by 2 PM EST usually arrive the next business day and that weekend deliveries are unavailable.

The actions field suggests a next step, offering a link to view available delivery slots. The metadata section includes information such as the AI assistant’s version (GreenGrocer AI 1.4.2), the client’s IP address, response processing time (6.8 seconds), a unique response ID, and support contact details.

The security field provides security-related information, including the client’s IP address, whether HTTPS is enforced (set to false in this case), and rate-limiting details (which are currently null). The version field indicates that the API version used is /api/v1.

Automate security Testing for API protection

Create a test_security folder inside the tests directory to organize security-related tests. Inside this folder, create a file to verify security measures, including rate limiting, security headers, and error logging. Add the following code to implement automated security tests.

import pytest
from app import create_app

def client():
    app = create_app()
    app.config['TESTING'] = True
    return app.test_client()

def test_rate_limiting(client):
    """Verify API rate limiting prevents abuse"""
    # Test against configured 5 requests/minute
    for _ in range(5):
        response ='/api/v1/chat', json={'query': 'valid question'})
        assert response.status_code == 200
    # 6th request should fail
    response ='/api/v1/chat', json={'query': 'test'})
    assert response.status_code == 429, f"Expected 429, got {response.status_code}"
    assert "5/minute" in response.json['error']

def test_security_headers(client):
    """Validate security headers exist"""
    response ='/api/v1/chat', json={'query': 'test'})
    headers = response.headers
    assert 'Strict-Transport-Security' in headers, "Missing HSTS header"
    assert headers['X-Content-Type-Options'] == 'nosniff', "X-Content-Type mismatch"
    assert headers['Content-Security-Policy'] == "default-src 'self'", "Invalid CSP"
    assert headers['X-Frame-Options'] == 'DENY', "Missing frame protection"

def test_error_logging(mocker, client):
    """Ensure errors are logged properly"""
    mock_logger = mocker.patch('')
    # Trigger empty query
    response ='/api/v1/chat', json={'query': ''})
        error="Please provide a valid question",
        stack_trace=mocker.ANY,  # Flexible match
        response_id=mocker.ANY,  # Flexible match for UUID
        timestamp=mocker.ANY,    # Flexible match for timestamp
    assert response.status_code == 400

This code defines automated security tests for a Flask API using pytest. It verifies rate limiting, security headers, and error logging to ensure the API remains secure and reliable.

  1. Set up a Test Client
    • The client fixture creates an instance of the Flask app with TESTING mode enabled.
    • The app’s test_client() method allows sending requests without running the server.
  2. Test API rate limiting
    • The test_rate_limiting function simulates five valid requests to /api/v1/chat.
    • It expects the first five requests to succeed (200 OK).
    • The sixth request should be blocked with a 429 Too Many Requests response, ensuring that the API enforces the 5/minute rate limit.
  3. Verify security headers
    • The test_security_headers function sends a request to the API and inspects the response headers.
    • It checks for critical security headers:
      • Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) to enforce HTTPS.
      • X-Content-Type-Options to prevent MIME sniffing.
      • Content-Security-Policy (CSP) to restrict script execution.
      • X-Frame-Options to prevent clickjacking attacks.
  4. Test error logging
    • The test_error_logging function ensures that errors are logged correctly.
    • It uses mocker.patch to intercept calls to the logger.error function.
    • When the API receives an empty query, it should:
      • Log the error with details like client IP, stack trace, error code, and timestamp.
      • Return a 400 Bad Request response.
    • The test confirms that the logger captures all expected details.

This test suite helps identify security vulnerabilities early, protecting the API from abuse and unauthorized access.

Configure test client in

Update to define a reusable test client fixture. This fixture ensures that all tests use a consistent configuration, including rate limits and testing mode. Add the following code:

import pytest
from app import create_app

def client():
    app = create_app()
        'TESTING': True,
        'RATE_LIMITS': ["5 per minute"]
    return app.test_client()

This code sets up a reusable test client for the application using pytest fixtures. Here’s how it works:

  • Imports pytest: The script imports pytest to use its testing utilities.
  • Imports create_app: It imports the create_app function from the app, which initializes the Flask application.
  • Defines a client fixture:
    • Calls create_app() to create an instance of the Flask app.
    • Loads the TestingConfig settings from instance.config, ensuring the app runs in test mode.
    • Updates the app configuration to enable TESTING=True and enforces a rate limit of 5 requests per minute.
    • Returns app.test_client(), which allows tests to simulate requests without running a real server.

By using this fixture, tests can interact with a properly configured test version of the app, ensuring controlled and predictable behavior.

Running Tests

Use the following command to run the test:

python -m pytest tests/ -v --cov=app --cov-report=html

Expected sample output

# Sample output
============================= test session starts ==============================
tests/ PASSED                        [33%]
tests/ PASSED                     [66%]  
tests/ PASSED                        [100%]

----------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.11.8-final-0 -----------
Coverage HTML written to dir htmlcov

This sample output shows the results of running security tests using pytest. Here’s what happens:

  1. The test session starts: Pytest initializes the test environment and begins executing the test cases.
  2. Each test runs and passes:
    • test_rate_limiting confirms that the API correctly enforces request limits.
    • test_security_headers verifies that the application includes essential security headers.
    • test_error_logging ensures that the app logs errors correctly.
  3. The test progress is displayed: The percentage indicators ([33%], [66%], [100%]) show cumulative test completion.
  4. Test coverage is generated: The report states that the coverage tool has analyzed the code and saved an HTML coverage report in the htmlcov directory.

This output confirms that all security tests have passed successfully and that a coverage report is available for further review.

Full code for module 3

You can find the complete code for this tutorial in the GitHub repository.

Next Steps

In Tutorial 5, you’ll:

  1. Build React frontend with real-time chat
  2. Implement JWT authentication
  3. Add end-to-end encryption
  4. Configure CI/CD pipelines

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