You are currently viewing Module 5: Automated API documentation with Deepseek and Flask

Module 5: Automated API documentation with Deepseek and Flask

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Welcome to Module 5 of the tutorial series: “Build an AI-powered documentation assistant with DeepSeek and Flask”. In this module, you’ll automate the generation and maintenance of API documentation. By the end, your documentation will stay in sync with your codebase, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.


Before starting Module 5, ensure you’ve completed the following steps:

Lesson 9: Generating enhanced Markdown/HTML documentation


In this lesson, you’ll convert extracted code information into structured Markdown and HTML documentation. You’ll also host the documentation on GitHub Pages and compare DeepSeek with other AI tools like OpenAI GPT and Claude. The documentation will now include AI-generated explanations and examples to make it more helpful for users.

Step 1: Install required libraries

Install the libraries needed for Markdown and HTML generation, as well as OpenAI and Anthropic.

Run the following commands in your terminal:

pip install markdown openai anthropic

Step 2: Update

This utility will generate enhanced Markdown and HTML documentation from Python code, including AI-generated explanations and examples.

File to update: app/utils/

import os
import requests
from .code_parser import extract_functions_and_classes, extract_function_signature, extract_class_metadata
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from .query_handler import explain_code



def generate_docstring(code_snippet, context=None):
    Generate a docstring for a given code snippet using DeepSeek.
    prompt = f"""
    Generate a docstring for the following Python code. Follow PEP-257 standards and include:
    - A one-line summary.
    - A detailed description (if necessary).
    - Args (for functions).
    - Returns (for functions).
    - Raises (if applicable).


    {context if context else "No additional context provided."}

    headers = {
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {DEEPSEEK_API_KEY}",
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    data = {
        "model": "deepseek-chat",  # Specify the model
        "prompt": prompt,
        "max_tokens": 200,
        "temperature": 0.7
    response =
    if response.status_code == 200:
        return response.json()["choices"][0]["text"].strip()
        # Print the response details for debugging
        print(f"API Response: {response.status_code}, {response.text}")
        raise Exception(f"Failed to generate docstring: {response.status_code}")

def improve_docstring(existing_docstring, context=None):
    Improve an existing docstring using DeepSeek.
    prompt = f"""
    Improve the following docstring for clarity, readability, and completeness. Convert passive voice to active voice where applicable.


    {context if context else "No additional context provided."}

    headers = {
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {DEEPSEEK_API_KEY}",
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    data = {
        "model": "deepseek-chat",  # Specify the model
        "prompt": prompt,
        "max_tokens": 200,
        "temperature": 0.7
    response =
        "",  # Use the beta endpoint
    if response.status_code == 200:
        return response.json()["choices"][0]["text"].strip()
        # Print the response details for debugging
        print(f"API Response: {response.status_code}, {response.text}")
        raise Exception(f"Failed to improve docstring: {response.status_code}")    

def generate_markdown_docs(code):
    Generate enhanced Markdown documentation from Python code using AI.
    functions, classes = extract_functions_and_classes(code)
    docs = "# API Documentation\n\n"

    # Add function documentation
    docs += "## Functions\n\n"
    for func in functions:
        signature = extract_function_signature(func)
        docs += f"### `{signature['name']}`\n"
        docs += f"**Arguments:** `{', '.join(signature['args'])}`\n\n"
        docs += f"**Returns:** `{signature['returns']}`\n\n"

        # Generate AI explanation for the function
        explanation = explain_code(func, f"What does the function `{signature['name']}` do?")
        docs += f"**Explanation:** {explanation}\n\n"

        # Generate AI example usage for the function
        example = explain_code(func, f"Provide an example usage for the function `{signature['name']}`.")
        docs += f"**Example Usage:**\n```python\n{example}\n```\n\n"

    # Add class documentation
    docs += "## Classes\n\n"
    for cls in classes:
        metadata = extract_class_metadata(cls)
        docs += f"### `{metadata['name']}`\n"
        docs += f"**Methods:** `{', '.join(metadata['methods'])}`\n\n"
        docs += f"**Docstring:** {metadata['docstring']}\n\n"

        # Generate AI explanation for the class
        explanation = explain_code(cls, f"What does the class `{metadata['name']}` do?")
        docs += f"**Explanation:** {explanation}\n\n"

        # Generate AI example usage for the class
        example = explain_code(cls, f"Provide an example usage for the class `{metadata['name']}`.")
        docs += f"**Example Usage:**\n```python\n{example}\n```\n\n"

    return docs

def generate_html_docs(markdown_docs):
    Convert Markdown documentation to HTML.
    import markdown
    return markdown.markdown(markdown_docs)

def save_docs(docs, filename):
    Save documentation to a file in the /docs folder.
    If the /docs folder doesn't exist, create it.
    # Ensure the /docs folder exists
    os.makedirs("docs", exist_ok=True)
    # Save the file in the /docs folder
    with open(f"docs/{filename}", "w") as f:

def push_to_github(docs, repo_name, branch="gh-pages"):
    Push documentation to GitHub Pages.
    import subprocess
    # Save docs to a temporary file in the /docs folder
    save_docs(docs, "index.html")
    # Push the /docs folder to GitHub Pages["git", "add", "docs/"])["git", "commit", "-m", "Update documentation"])["git", "push", "origin", branch])

def detect_outdated_docs(code, docs):
    Detect outdated documentation by comparing code and docs.
    current_docs = generate_markdown_docs(code)
    if current_docs != docs:
        return "Documentation is outdated. Please regenerate."
    return "Documentation is up-to-date."

def tag_documentation_version(version):
    Tag the current documentation with a version number.
    import subprocess["git", "tag", f"v{version}"])["git", "push", "origin", f"v{version}"])

Understand new imports and functions:

  1. Imports:
    • extract_functions_and_classes, extract_function_signature, and extract_class_metadata from code_parser: These functions analyze the code to extract functions, retrieve function signatures, and gather class metadata.
    • explain_code from query_handler: This function leverages an AI model to explain code functionality, aiding in generating clear documentation.
    • generate_markdown_docs, generate_html_docs, save_docs, and push_to_github from query_handler: These functions handle documentation generation, conversion to HTML, saving to the local file system, and pushing to GitHub for hosting.
  2. Functions:
    • extract_functions_and_classes: This function scans the code and identifies functions and classes for documentation purposes.
    • extract_function_signature: This function retrieves the function name, arguments, and return type.
    • extract_class_metadata: This function gathers class-level details, such as methods and docstrings.
    • explain_code: This function sends code snippets to an AI model to generate explanations and examples.
    • generate_markdown_docs: This function generates structured Markdown documentation from the extracted functions and classes.
    • generate_html_docs: This function converts Markdown documentation into HTML format.
    • save_docs: This function saves the documentation to a file in the /docs folder.
    • push_to_github: This function pushes the documentation to a specified GitHub repository and branch.

Step 3: Update file

Update the file to include the new /generate-docs route and integrate it with the chatbot interface.

File to Update: app/

from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, request, render_template
from .utils.docstring_generator import generate_docstring, improve_docstring, generate_markdown_docs, generate_html_docs, save_docs
from app.utils.github_api import fetch_repo_contents, filter_python_files, download_file_contents
from app.utils.code_parser import extract_functions_and_classes, extract_function_signature, extract_class_metadata
from .utils.query_handler import explain_code
from flask_limiter import Limiter
from flask_limiter.util import get_remote_address
import os

main_bp = Blueprint('main', __name__)

# Rate limiting for API endpoints
limiter = Limiter(key_func=get_remote_address)

def home():
    return render_template("index.html") 

@main_bp.route('/generate-docstring', methods=['POST'])
def generate_docstring_route():
    Generate a docstring for a given code snippet.
    data = request.json
    code_snippet = data.get("code")
    context = data.get("context", "")

        docstring = generate_docstring(code_snippet, context)
        return jsonify({"docstring": docstring})
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify({"error": str(e)}), 500
@main_bp.route("/fetch-repo", methods=["POST"])
def fetch_repo():
    Fetch and display Python files from a GitHub repository.
    data = request.json
    owner = data.get("owner")
    repo = data.get("repo")

        contents = fetch_repo_contents(owner, repo)
        python_files = filter_python_files(contents)
        return jsonify({"python_files": python_files})
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify({"error": str(e)}), 500

@main_bp.route("/parse-file", methods=["POST"])
def parse_file():
    Parse a Python file and extract metadata.
    data = request.json
    download_url = data.get("download_url")

        code = download_file_contents(download_url)
        functions, classes = extract_functions_and_classes(code)
        function_metadata = [extract_function_signature(func) for func in functions]
        class_metadata = [extract_class_metadata(cls) for cls in classes]
        return jsonify({
            "functions": function_metadata,
            "classes": class_metadata
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify({"error": str(e)}), 500

@main_bp.route("/improve-docstring", methods=["POST"])
def improve_docstring_route():
    Improve an existing docstring.
    data = request.json
    existing_docstring = data.get("docstring")
    context = data.get("context", "")

        improved_docstring = improve_docstring(existing_docstring, context)
        return jsonify({"improved_docstring": improved_docstring})
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify({"error": str(e)}), 500

@main_bp.route("/explain-code", methods=["POST"])
@limiter.limit("10 per minute")
def explain_code_route():
    Explain code functionality based on a natural language query.
    data = request.json
    code_snippet = data.get("code")
    query = data.get("query")

        explanation = explain_code(code_snippet, query)
        return jsonify({"explanation": explanation})
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify({"error": str(e)}), 500

@main_bp.route("/chatbot", methods=["POST"])
@limiter.limit("10 per minute")  # Rate limit to prevent abuse
def chatbot_route():
    Chatbot endpoint for interactive code understanding.
    data = request.json
    user_input = data.get("input")
    code_snippet = data.get("code", "")

        # Use the same explain_code utility for chatbot responses
        response = explain_code(code_snippet, user_input)
        return jsonify({"response": response})
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify({"error": str(e)}), 500

@main_bp.route("/generate-docs", methods=["POST"])
def generate_docs_route():
    Generate Markdown and HTML documentation from a code snippet.
    data = request.json
    code_snippet = data.get("code")

        # Generate Markdown documentation
        markdown_docs = generate_markdown_docs(code_snippet)
        save_docs(markdown_docs, "")  # Save Markdown to /docs/

        # Generate HTML documentation
        html_docs = generate_html_docs(markdown_docs)
        save_docs(html_docs, "index.html")  # Save HTML to /docs/index.html

        return jsonify({
            "message": "Documentation generated successfully!",
            "markdown_docs": markdown_docs,
            "html_docs": html_docs
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify({"error": str(e)}), 500

The /generate-docs route in this Flask application allows users to generate documentation from a provided code snippet. Here’s how it works:

  1. Receive Input: The route listens for a POST request and expects a JSON payload with a code field that contains the code snippet to document.
  2. Generate Markdown Documentation: The generate_markdown_docs function processes the code snippet and produces Markdown-formatted documentation. The code saves this output as in the /docs directory using the save_docs function.
  3. Convert to HTML: The route then calls the generate_html_docs function to convert the Markdown documentation into HTML format. It saves the resulting file as index.html in the same /docs directory.
  4. Return the Response: If successful, the route responds with a JSON object that includes a success message and the generated Markdown and HTML documentation. If an error occurs, the route catches the exception and returns a JSON object with the error message and a 500 status code.

This route streamlines the process of generating and saving both Markdown and HTML documentation for code snippets.

Step 4: Create and push the gh-pages Branch

  1. Create the gh-pages Branch:
    • Run the following commands in your terminal to create and switch to the gh-pages branch:
      git checkout -b gh-pages
  2. Push the branch to GitHub:
    • Push the gh-pages branch to your GitHub repository:
      git push origin gh-pages

Step 5: Enable GitHub Pages for your repository

  1. Go to Your Repository:
  2. Open Repository Settings:
    • Click on the Settings tab in your repository.
  3. Enable GitHub Pages:
    • Scroll down to the Pages section in the left sidebar.
    • Under Source, select the gh-pages branch and the /docs folder.
    • Click Save.
  4. Verify GitHub Pages URL:
    • Once enabled, GitHub will provide you with a URL for your hosted documentation (e.g.,

Step 6: Integrate documentation generation with Chatbot

  1. Update the Chatbot Interface:
    • Modify the chatbot interface to call the /generate-docs route after displaying the DeepSeek response.
    • Here’s the updated HTML and JavaScript code for the chatbot interface:
      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <html lang="en">
          <meta charset="UTF-8">
          <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
          <title>AI Doc Assistant</title>
          <!-- Bootstrap CSS -->
          <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
              body {
                  padding: 20px;
              .response-box {
                  margin-top: 20px;
                  padding: 15px;
                  border: 1px solid #ddd;
                  border-radius: 5px;
                  background-color: #f9f9f9;
              .loading-spinner {
                  display: none; /* Hidden by default */
                  margin-top: 10px;
          <div class="container">
              <h1 class="text-center">Welcome to the AI-Powered Documentation Assistant!</h1>
              <p class="text-center">Use the chatbot below to ask questions about your code.</p>
              <!-- Chatbot Form -->
              <div class="row justify-content-center">
                  <div class="col-md-8">
                      <!-- Code Input Field -->
                      <div class="mb-3">
                          <label for="codeInput" class="form-label">Paste your Python code here:</label>
                          <textarea class="form-control" id="codeInput" rows="5" placeholder="Example: def add(a, b): return a + b"></textarea>
                          <small class="form-text text-muted">Enter the Python code you want to ask questions about.</small>
                      <!-- Query Input Field -->
                      <div class="mb-3">
                          <label for="userQuery" class="form-label">Ask a question about the code:</label>
                          <input type="text" class="form-control" id="userQuery" placeholder="Example: What does this function do?">
                          <small class="form-text text-muted">Type your question in natural language.</small>
                      <!-- Ask Button -->
                      <button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="sendQuery()">Ask</button>
                      <!-- Loading Spinner -->
                      <div class="loading-spinner text-center">
                          <div class="spinner-border text-primary" role="status">
                              <span class="visually-hidden">Loading...</span>
                          <p class="mt-2">Your query is being processed. Please wait a few seconds...</p>
                      <!-- Response Box -->
                      <div class="response-box mt-3" id="responseBox">
                          <p id="response"></p>
          <!-- Bootstrap JS and dependencies -->
          <script src=""></script>
          <script src=""></script>
              async function sendQuery() {
                  const code = document.getElementById("codeInput").value;
                  const query = document.getElementById("userQuery").value;
                  const responseElement = document.getElementById("response");
                  const responseBox = document.getElementById("responseBox");
                  const loadingSpinner = document.querySelector(".loading-spinner");
                  // Show loading spinner and hide response box
         = "block";
         = "none";
                  try {
                      // Step 1: Send the query to the chatbot endpoint
                      const chatbotResponse = await fetch("/chatbot", {
                          method: "POST",
                          headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
                          body: JSON.stringify({ input: query, code: code })
                      const chatbotData = await chatbotResponse.json();
                      // Hide loading spinner and show response
             = "none";
             = "block";
                      if (chatbotData.response) {
                          responseElement.innerText = chatbotData.response;
                      } else {
                          responseElement.innerText = "Error: " + (chatbotData.error || "No response received.");
                      // Step 2: Automatically generate documentation after displaying the chatbot response
                      await generateDocumentation(code);
                  } catch (error) {
                      // Handle network or other errors
             = "none";
             = "block";
                      responseElement.innerText = "Error: " + error.message;
              // Function to generate documentation
              async function generateDocumentation(code) {
                  try {
                      // Call the /generate-docs endpoint
                      const docsResponse = await fetch("/generate-docs", {
                          method: "POST",
                          headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
                          body: JSON.stringify({ code: code })
                      const docsData = await docsResponse.json();
                      // Display documentation generation success message
                      const responseElement = document.getElementById("response");
                      responseElement.innerText += "\n\nDocumentation generated successfully! Check the /docs folder.";
                  } catch (error) {
                      console.error("Error generating documentation:", error);
                      const responseElement = document.getElementById("response");
                      responseElement.innerText += "\n\nFailed to generate documentation. Please try again.";

      The /generate-docs functionality in the provided code automates the creation of both Markdown and HTML documentation from a Python code snippet. Here’s how the process works:

      1. User Input Handling: When the user pastes a Python code snippet and submits a query, the sendQuery() function sends a request to the /chatbot endpoint. After receiving a response from the chatbot, the function automatically triggers the documentation generation process.
      2. Generating Documentation: The generateDocumentation() function sends a POST request to the /generate-docs endpoint. It passes the user’s code as JSON data in the request body.
      3. Receiving and Handling the Response: The server processes the code, generates Markdown documentation, converts it to HTML, and saves both files ( and index.html) in the /docs folder. If the operation succeeds, the response informs the user that the documentation was successfully generated.
      4. Error Handling: If the documentation generation fails, the function logs the error to the console and notifies the user of the failure.

      This approach ensures that the system efficiently handles the code analysis and automatically creates documentation to enhance code understanding and maintainability.

Step 7: Run Flask and test the Chatbot interface

  1. Run Flask:
    • Start the Flask app by running the following command in your terminal:
  2. Access the Chatbot interface:
    • Open your browser and navigate to
    • You should see the chatbot interface.
  3. Test the Chatbot:
    • Paste your Python code into the Code Input Field.
    • Ask a question about the code in the Query Input Field.
    • Click the Ask button to see the chatbot’s response.
    • After the chatbot responds, it will automatically generate documentation and display a success message.

Step 8: Push the generated documentation to GitHub Pages

  1. Commit and push the documentation:
    • Add the /docs folder to the gh-pages branch and push it to GitHub:
      git add docs/
      git commit -m "Add generated documentation"
      git push origin gh-pages
  2. Verify your documentation on GitHub Pages:
    • Open your browser and navigate to the GitHub Pages URL provided in the Settings tab (e.g.,
    • Ensure the documentation is displayed correctly and matches the generated index.html file.

Lesson 10: Compare DeepSeek with OpenAI GPT and Claude

When building an AI-powered documentation assistant, it’s important to evaluate different AI tools to determine which one best suits your needs. DeepSeekOpenAI GPT, and Claude are all powerful AI models, but they differ in terms of performance, cost, and ease of integration. By comparing these tools, you can make an informed decision about which one to use for generating documentation.

  • DeepSeek: A cost-effective and efficient AI model designed for code understanding and documentation generation.
  • OpenAI GPT: A widely-used AI model known for its versatility and high-quality text generation.
  • Claude: An AI model from Anthropic, optimized for natural language tasks and documentation.

Comparing these tools allows you to:

  • Evaluate the quality of generated documentation.
  • Understand the cost implications of using each tool.
  • Choose the best tool for your specific use case.

Step 1: Obtain API Keys for OpenAI and Anthropic

  1. Get OpenAI API Key:
    • Go to the OpenAI Platform.
    • Sign up or log in to your account.
    • Navigate to the API Keys section under your account settings.
    • Click Create new secret key and copy the generated API key.
    • Add the API key to your .env file:
  2. Get Anthropic API Key:
    • Go to the Anthropic Website.
    • Sign up or log in to your account.
    • Navigate to the API Keys section under your account settings.
    • Click Create new API key and copy the generated API key.
    • Add the API key to your .env file:

Step 2: Create

This utility will compare DeepSeek with OpenAI GPT and Claude for generating documentation.

Create: app/utils/ and add the following code snippet:

import os
from openai import OpenAI
from anthropic import Anthropic

def compare_ai_tools(code):
    Compare DeepSeek with OpenAI GPT and Claude for generating documentation.
    Handles errors gracefully and returns meaningful error messages.
    results = {
        "deepseek": None,
        "openai_gpt": None,
        "claude": None,
        "errors": {}

    # Generate documentation with DeepSeek
        from .docstring_generator import generate_markdown_docs
        results["deepseek"] = generate_markdown_docs(code)
    except Exception as e:
        results["errors"]["deepseek"] = f"DeepSeek Error: {str(e)}"

    # Generate documentation with OpenAI GPT
        client = OpenAI(api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))
        gpt_response = client.completions.create(
            prompt=f"Generate documentation for the following Python code:\n{code}"
        results["openai_gpt"] = gpt_response.choices[0].text.strip()
    except Exception as e:
        results["errors"]["openai_gpt"] = f"OpenAI GPT Error: {str(e)}"

    # Generate documentation with Claude
        client = Anthropic(api_key=os.getenv("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"))
        claude_response = client.completions.create(
            prompt=f"Generate documentation for the following Python code:\n{code}"
        results["claude"] = claude_response.choices[0].text.strip()
    except Exception as e:
        results["errors"]["claude"] = f"Claude Error: {str(e)}"

    return results



The compare_ai_tools function evaluates the performance of three AI tools—DeepSeek, OpenAI GPT, and Claude—in generating documentation for a given Python code snippet. Here’s how the function operates:

  1. DeepSeek Generation: The function imports generate_markdown_docs from a local module and calls it with the provided code. DeepSeek generates documentation in Markdown format.
  2. OpenAI GPT Generation: The function initializes an OpenAI client using the API key from the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY. It sends a prompt to the GPT model, requesting documentation for the provided code. The function then extracts and trims the generated text from the response.
  3. Claude Generation: The function creates an Anthropic client using the ANTHROPIC_API_KEY. It sends a similar prompt to the Claude model and extracts the generated documentation from the response.
  4. Return Results: The function returns a dictionary containing the documentation generated by DeepSeek, OpenAI GPT, and Claude.

This approach allows the user to compare the quality and style of documentation produced by different AI tools.

  1. Run the Comparison:Create a test script or use the Flask app to call the compare_ai_tools function with a sample code snippet.Example Test Script:
    from app.utils.ai_comparison import compare_ai_tools
    # Sample Python code
    code = """
    def add(a, b):
        return a + b
    class Calculator:
        def multiply(self, a, b):
            return a * b
    # Compare AI tools
    results = compare_ai_tools(code)
    # Print results
    print("DeepSeek Documentation:\n", results["deepseek"])
    print("\nOpenAI GPT Documentation:\n", results["openai_gpt"])
    print("\nClaude Documentation:\n", results["claude"])
  2. Analyze the Output:
    • Run the script and review the documentation generated by each AI tool.
    • Compare the quality, accuracy, and readability of the documentation.
  3. Test in the Flask App:
    • Integrate the compare_ai_tools function into your Flask app to allow users to compare AI tools directly from the chatbot interface.
  4. Example Output

    When you run the test script, you’ll see output similar to this:

    DeepSeek Documentation:
     # API Documentation
     ## Functions
     ### `add`
     **Arguments:** `a, b`
     **Returns:** `None`
     **Explanation:** The `add` function takes two arguments, `a` and `b`, and returns their sum.
     **Example Usage:**
     result = add(2, 3)
     print(result)  # Output: 5



    Methods: multiply
    Docstring: None

    Explanation: The Calculator class provides a method multiply to multiply two numbers.

    Example Usage:

    calc = Calculator()
    result = calc.multiply(2, 3)
    print(result)  # Output: 6

    OpenAI GPT Documentation:
    The add function adds two numbers together. The Calculator class has a method multiply that multiplies two numbers.

    Claude Documentation:
    The add function adds two numbers. The Calculator class includes a multiply method for multiplying numbers.

    ### **Conclusion**
    By comparing DeepSeek, OpenAI GPT, and Claude, you can evaluate which AI tool generates the most accurate and helpful documentation for your codebase. This comparison also helps you understand the cost implications of using each tool, allowing you to make an informed decision.
    Let me know if you need further assistance! 🚀

What You’ve Achieved

  • You automated the generation of enhanced Markdown and HTML documentation.
  • You organized the generated documentation in a /docs folder.
  • You hosted the documentation on GitHub Pages.
  • You compared DeepSeek with other AI tools for documentation generation.
  • You implemented auto-updating documentation that tracks code changes with Git.
  • You added version control for documentation.

Full code for module 5

You can find the complete code for this tutorial in the GitHub repository.

Next Steps

  • Experiment: Try generating documentation for more complex codebases and compare the results across AI tools.
  • Proceed to Module 6: In the next module, you’ll learn how to implement advanced features and deploy your documentation assistant. Here’s what you’ll cover in Module 6:
    • Lesson 11: Version Control & Documentation Drift Detection:
      • Compare old and new versions of documentation.
      • Send update suggestions via GitHub PR comments.
      • Add unit and integration tests for the Flask API.
    • Lesson 12: Deployment & CI/CD Integration:
      • Deploy your Flask app as a web service.
      • Integrate your documentation assistant with CI/CD pipelines for seamless updates.

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